Sunday, December 31, 2017

Most Admired Man

Barry O'Bama
Once again, Barry Obama beat me out for Most Admired Man in America.  I am flabbergasted.  How the American People can have failed to notice my superior qualities, I’ll never know.

First of all, I am always right.  It says so on the internet, even though I might have put it there myself.  Second, I am better looking.  He has those funny ears.  I have noble ears which I have no fear of getting caught in the elevator door.  Thirdly, I’m a better community organizer.  Why, just last week I organized a little band of elementary school children to sniff out illegal pot farms.  All we got was poison ivy, but that’s beside the point.

As they say, there is always next year.  Maybe O’Bama will die of alcohol poisoning next St. Patrick’s Day.  Until then, I remain unrefuted.


  1. One of the deceptions O used when he first started out as a ''community organizer'' was to cold call potential donors and claim himself as Irish. Not a sincere bone in his body.

  2. I did meet a guy named O'Bama once, but he had red hair and skin cancer.
