Sunday, July 10, 2016

Kill Those Somnabitches!

That's right. Heptachlor.  Ask for it by name. Hate mosquitoes?  Of course you do. Heptachlor them to Hades. Wasps? Get thee hence. Heptachlor will bring you peace of mind. It kills everything. Ants, termites, nematodes, nosy neighbors. Squirrels and hedgehogs are no match for it. Are the deer eating your tomatoes? Heptachlor to the rescue! Say goodbye to the family dog. I'm tired of his barking anyway. Your children are already brain damaged, so don't blame Heptachlor. Velsicol Chemical Corporation is not allowed to sell it anymore, so you'll have get your Heptachlor surreptitiously on eBay, like Virginia gets it for executions. Be sure to get an anonymous account and use bitcoin. It's worth it.  Finally, peace and quiet!

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