Monday, August 17, 2015

So, You Want To Be A Blogger?

Here's a little blogging advice: don't. Your blog will take over your life. The beast has to be fed. Your achy-breaky heart can't tolerate the slightest decline in readership, so you must post! Today! And tomorrow! And the day after!

The garbage will start piling up in the kitchen because you don't have time to put it out. Look, you're blogging. Your spouse is mad at you because you're blogging and you're not doing your share around the house. By the time you've got 200 regular readers, you're headed for divorce. You're also about to lose your job, because you're always late to work stopping to snap those all important photos for your blog. That's the reason you're always late getting home too. The only one that's happy to see you when you're late is the dog.

Then there's the twitter notices to make sure your readers know about your new posts and you're attracting new readers. There are the spreadsheets to update, to track your pageviews, and how fast your blog is growing. You're obsessed.

Listen to me now, before it's too late.  Blogging will destroy your life. How do I do it? I would tell you, but now it's time for my medications.


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