Friday, February 13, 2015

Skinny and Single

I've mined another gem of a blog that I really like.  It's called Skinny and Single and by gum it's my kind of blog! The author, Laura McGowan, describes herself as "sexy in a ripped sheet."  I have no idea what that means, but I gather she's Canadian, so I'll let it pass. She's funny and bright, and she will throw a sharp elbow now and then, but always says sorry afterward. I'm not sure how sincerely. It could be like the Imperial Japanese politely apologizing after seizing your Pacific island paradise.

Ms. McGowan has done very well for herself in the blogosphere.  She has a jillion readers. And look at this list of accolades:
  • Social Influencer - BlogHer
  • 2014 Canadian Weblogs Award Nominee
  • Nominated Site: 2014 Great Dating Blog Awards
  • Several other nominations...
Okay, maybe friends and family are putting their thumbs the scales for the nominations listed on her home page. Still, that's quite a trophy shelf for someone who has been blogging for less than a year.

Here's the fun part for me. This blog, both in writing style and content, more closely resembles mine than any other I have come across to-date. Her posts are short, breezy, humorous, and for the most part off-the-wall. Her layout is clean, simple, and easy to read.  Okay, she uses the more powerful Wordpress, while I use Google Blogger; and she has better features on her page than I do, but in principle, we seem to be like-minded.

It gives me hope. If her blog can be such a smashing success, maybe mine can be too?! She sets a precedent, I pray. Of course, I'm not Canadian. If that's the deciding factor, I could be doomed.

You must add Ms. McGowan to your reading list. And for me, here's another for my blogroll.  I swear to Hades I'll get around to adding that Page someday. Google Blogger makes that embarrassingly easy.

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